A View for You

Need to View a Property Fast but Don't have the Time?
Jo Aldridge, Property Hound has the Answer.

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The Same Professional Standards
Just a Different way of Looking at it

Not ready to go the whole hog and use our full property finding service?
You need to view a property fast but are running out of time?

What We Will Do

Within an agreed time-frame, we will put our expertise at your disposal and view the property or properties which interest you.

We will then report back to you as quickly as possible with of our honest impressions together with photos - plus a video (if vendor permits).

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How Much it Will Cost

Not much at all - just £60 per hour plus 50p a mile, and of course we will give you an approximate estimate before we set out.

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Our Terms

We simply ask for half the estimated cost upfront before we set out, the remainder following your receipt of our report.

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Please note that any report we send you is purely our impression and if you should decide to purchase the property,  professional advice as to structure, state of repair, valuation and legal title should be obtained.

Copyright Jo Aldridge Property Hound, Design & Build by Roxzanne at AllAbout Sites.co.uk